Monday, April 19, 2010

CITY DOG, COUNTRY FROG, by Mo Willems Posted by Mrs. Schauer

by Mo Willems
AR: Not Yet
**This book will not be published until June. I hope to have it in the library by next school year.
Interest Level: Lower Grades

I have always enjoyed Mo Willems' books, so I was excited to find this one. It's the tale of a city dog who visits the country each season, and sees his friend, the country frog, who lives on a rock. They play together during the spring and summer. In the fall, the frog is too tired to play, so they play "remembering games" instead of "actual" games. In the winter...well, I'm not going to give away the ending to this book, but I will say it involves...a chipmonk! City dog and country frog have a wonderful friendship, and it's felt throughout this story.

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