Friday, December 07, 2007

Best Friends are the BEST!

AR Level: 2.8 Points: .5
Vocabulary Quiz Available
Voice Quiz Available

Reading this book made me think of my own best friend from childhood and the unique bond we shared. Houndsley and Catina have a rare thing—true friendship. They are quite different in their personalities; Houndsley is shy and uncomfortable being in the spotlight, while Catina wants nothing more than to be famous. This beginning chapter book follows Houndsley and Catina through Houndsley having to give his opinion of Catina’s not so terrific writing, where Catina hopes to make her mark, and a cooking contest, where Houndsley’s shyness gets the best of him and he all but destroys his entry, which is a pot of chili. In the end, they decide to stick with what’s best—being each other’s friend, and watching fireflies.

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