Saturday, December 08, 2007

MY Favorite Book of ALL TIME!!!

THANK YOU, MR. FALKER, by Patricia Polacco
AR Level: 4.1 Points: .5
Vocabulary Quiz Available

Tricia comes from a long line of readers and lovers of books, but she struggles with reading. This story chronicles the struggles the heartaches she endures in school because of her disability. Things change for the better for Tricia in 5th grade, when a new teacher arrives at her school. Mr. Falker doesn’t just accept the fact that she can’t read—he figures out WHY and finds a way to help her. In the end, Tricia does learn to read, and the rest of school becomes an "odyssey of discovery and adventure." This is a book that every teacher should read—it defines the reason I became a teacher—to make a difference in the life of a child.

1 comment:

Mrs. Burris said...

This is a terrific book. Mr. Faulker is an awesome teacher like our teachers at Pettus Elementary. I also am thankful that our students work hard without giving up to learn new skills.