Friday, December 07, 2007

A Great Trickster Tale...

KEEPER OF SOLES, by Teresa Bateman
AR Level: 4.3 Points: .5
Vocabulary Quiz Available

Manolo Blahnik would be proud of this humble shoemaker. The story opens with a description of Colin the cobbler, his wonderful shoes and generous spirit. When the physical form of Death comes calling for his soul, Colin puts him off by making him a pair of shoes for his bare feet. Each time Death comes calling, Colin thinks of a new pair of shoes to make for him. (After all, you don’t want Death showing up on your doorstep with pinched toes or a blister!) After he’s made him every kind of shoe, Death tells Colin that he must have his soul. Colin tells him that he HAS been giving him sole…after sole…after sole. Death bursts out laughing and tells Colin that he will wait until the soles on all of his shoes wear out before coming for the soul he should have taken in the first place. I enjoyed this trickster tale and appreciated the fact that Death is represented in a way that is not threatening.

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