Thursday, December 06, 2007

Rules are rules....

THE LIBRARY LION, by Michelle Knudsen
AR Level: 2.8 Points: .5
Interest Level: Elementary
Vocabulary Quiz Available
Voice Quiz Available

Even though Miss Merriweather, the head librarian is very strict about the library rules, she allows a lion to come to the library each day because he is quiet and well behaved. The only time he’s ever gotten in trouble was the first time story hour was over and he roared his disappointment. Once Miss Merriweather fussed at him, though, he understood and obeyed all of the rules. He has even become a helper, of sorts, dusting shelves and licking the envelopes of overdue notices. One day Mrs. Merriweather falls off of a stool and the lion has to go get help. When Mr. McBee, the other librarian, (who has never approved of having a lion in the library) tells him to go away, the lion does the only thing he can do—he roars. Mr. McBee runs to tell Miss Merriweather that the lion has broken the rules, and finds her on the floor. Knowing he’s done the unthinkable by breaking the rules, the lion runs away—and is sorely missed until Mr. McBee finds him and begs him to come back. This book would be a great read aloud—especially when talking about exceptions to rules

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