Saturday, December 08, 2007

Too Depressing for Me...

THE BAD BEGINNING, by Lemony Snicket
AR Leve: 6.4 Points: 4
Vocabulary Quiz Available

This, the first installment in thirteen books, is truly what the title claims—a series of unfortunate events. It centers around the Baudelaire children. First there’s Violet, who loves to invent things, and is right handed. Next is Klaus—he loves to read. Finally there’s Sunny, who is an infant that has four sharp teeth and chews on everything. The Baudelaire children, orphaned after their parents and all their belongings are burned in a fire; spend their life trying to escape the evil Count Olaf, who claims to be their uncle and wants to get his hands on their fortune. He plots to marry Violet—but Violet signs the marriage certificate with her left hand, thus making the document invalid. They escape Olaf—but only for a short time, until their unfortunate adventures continue. I wonder what makes these books so wildly popular with kids. Maybe it’s because the children in the book have lives that are far worse than anything they would have to endure and it makes them feel better. I do think the vocabulary usage is amazing—but these books are just too depressing for me.

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